Cooperation between SGBN and SLOBRAZ continues

> repost of the article from the official Slovenian Global Business Network SGBN website <

One of the primary purposes of the Slovenian Global Business Network (SGBN) is face-to-face meetings with the leaders of Slovenian business institutions worldwide. in 2022, the representatives of SGBN met with Slovenian Chambers of Commerce or business clubs from Argentina, Austria, Croatia, France, Germany, Italy, Netherlands, Serbia, United States of America, among others.

Yesterday, a meeting of the founder of SGBN with the president of SLOBRAZ took place in Sao Paulo, Brazil. The main point of the conversation between Dr Štefan Bogdan Barenboim Šalej and Matjaž Cokan was the future cooperation and plans for strengthening the ties of the Slovenian business community in Brazil.

Slobraz is also one of the Chambers of Commerce which is actively participating in the program of the Business Internship for the young Slovenians. The program was an initiative of SGBN and is being carried out under the organization of the SDGZ/URES from Trieste. This year, the exchange program will include four young from Brazil and Italy.

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